

Document ID: CEP20001211000291
Entry Date: 12/11/2000
Version Number: 01

Region: Central Eurasia

Sub-Region: Russia

Country: Russia


Source-Date: 12/07/2000

Russian Military-Technical Cooperation Commission Statute

CEP20001211000291 Moscow Rossiyskaya Gazeta in Russian 07 Dec 00 p 4

["Statute on Commission on Questions of the Russian Federation's Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign States" approved by Russian Federation Presidential edict number 1953 of 1 December 2000]

[FBIS Translated Text]

     I.   General Provisions

    1.   The Commission on Questions of the Russian Federation's Military-Technical Cooperation With Foreign States (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is an advisory and consultative body which elaborates proposals for the head of state relating to the main avenues of state policy in the field of the Russian Federation's military-technical cooperation with foreign states (hereinafter referred to as military-technical cooperation).

    2.   The Commission is guided in its activity by the Russian Federation Constitution, the Federal Law "On the Russian Federation's Military-Technical Cooperation With Foreign States," and other federal laws, edicts, and directives of the Russian Federation president and also by this Statute.

    II.   Commission's Main Functions

    3.   The Commission's main functions are:

    preparing proposals for the Russian Federation president for the elaboration and implementation of the main avenues of state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation;

    preparing proposals for the Russian Federation president for the improvement of federal legislation in the field of military-technical cooperation;

    analyzing and predicting the situation in the field of military-technical cooperation with a view to safeguarding the Russian Federation's political, economic, and military interests;

    examining within the established procedure drafts of federal targeted programs concerning questions of military-technical cooperation;

    examining problems in the field of military-technical cooperation and preparing proposals for their solution;

    preparing proposals for the elaboration of draft normative legal acts in the field of military-technical cooperation;

    preparing proposals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the activity of the federal organs of executive power in coordination and control in the field of military-technical cooperation and the solution of other state regulation tasks in this field;

    examining the differences between the federal organs of executive power arising during the organization and implementation of military-technical cooperation and also elaborating recommendations for their elimination.

    III.   Safeguarding the Commission's Activity

    4.   To perform its main functions the Commission has the right to:

    request and receive within the established procedure the necessary materials and information from federal organs of state power, the organs of state power of the Russian Federation components, and also institutions, organizations, and officials;

    make use within the established procedure of the data banks of the Russian Federation Presidential Staff and the federal organs of state power;

    recruit scientists and specialists within the established procedure to perform individual operations;

    collaborate within the established procedure with the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Federation Council apparatus; the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma apparatus; the Russian Federation Government apparatus; the apparatuses of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court, Russian Federation Supreme Court, and Russian Federation Higher Arbitration Court; with the Russian Federation General Prosecutor's Office; with independent subdivisions of the Russian Federation Presidential Staff, the federal organs of executive power, the organs of state power of the Russian Federation components, and with institutions, organizations, and officials on questions within its competence;

    prepare proposals for the conclusion within the established procedure of contracts with scientific research organizations, institutions, and specialists for the performance of operations in the field of safeguarding the security of citizens, society, and the state in implementing military-technical cooperation;

    determine the agenda for its sessions and compile lists of people invited to them.

    5.   Information, material-technical, and other backup for the Commission's activity is carried out by the Russian Federation Presidential Staff and also when necessary by the Russian Federation Committee for Military-Technical Cooperation with Foreign States and by other federal organs of executive power whose representatives are on the Commission staff.

    6.   The Commission is formed to include the Commission Chairman, Commission deputy chairman, Commission secretary, and the Commission's members.

    The composition of the Commission is approved by the Russian Federation president.

    7.   The Commission chairman and other persons belonging to the Commission conduct their activity on an unpaid basis.

    8.   The Commission's work is conducted in accordance with the plans approved by the Commission chairman.

    9.   The Commission's sessions are chaired by the Commission chairman and in the event of his absence by the Commission deputy chairman.

    The Commission's decisions are formalized by a protocol approved by the Commission chairman.

[Description of Source: Moscow Rossiyskaya Gazeta in Russian -- Government daily newspaper.]

