[National Security Action Memoranda (NSAMs)]

April 9, 1965



1. The President has given general approval to the recommendations submitted by Mr. Rowan in his report dated March 16 for intensified and expanded psychological activities in the Vietnamese conflict. It is the President's decision that USIA is to re-program funds to the extent possible in order to carry out this larger program; in addition, he has directed all agencies and departments to provide funds and resources as available to the Director of USIA. Where appropriate, provisions of funds and other resources will be subject to procedures and amounts as determined in consultation with the Bureau of the Budget.

2. The President has designated the Director of the U.S. Information Agency to execute and coordinate these expanded and intensified activities in keeping with USIA's official responsibilities abroad, subject to political guidance from the Secretary of State.

3. The Director, USIA, will continue to advise the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence and others as appropriate on psychological and foreign public opinion aspects of the Vietnamese situation. Action addressees will continue to consult with the Director, USIA, regarding actions and public statements concerning Vietnam which may have psychological implications in Vietnam or elsewhere abroad.

4. The Director, USIA, will report on progress through the National Security Council or directly to the President, as appropriate.

5. The responsibility of the Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs, Saigon, for all psychological and informational programs in South Vietnam under the direction of the U.S. Ambassador is here reaffirmed.

Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSAM's. Secret (declassified).