
USIS Washington 

13 August 1999

Text: Results of Los Alamos Espionage Investigation Review

(Secretary Richardson calls for disciplinary action)  (1800)

U.S. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson announced August 12 the
outcome of the Office of the Inspector General's two-month review of
the espionage investigation at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE)
Los Alamos National Laboratory, and concurred with the conclusion of
the resulting classified report.

"This report makes it clear that Department of Energy political and
career management failed to give necessary attention to
counterintelligence and security," Richardson said. "That combined
with the lack of accountability, unclear communication with other
agencies and dysfunctional reporting relationships was fertile ground
for the problems."

Richardson noted there was "a total breakdown in the system and
there's plenty of blame to go around."

According to Richardson, the Inspector General's review:

-- Could not establish with any certainty allegations that DOE
official(s) knowingly improperly delayed, prohibited or interfered
with briefings about potential espionage at the labs to Congress or
former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena.

-- Determined that a counterintelligence official at the Los Alamos
lab deprived the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) of relevant
and potentially vital information concerning possible espionage at the
laboratory by not carrying out an adequate search of lab records.

-- Identified, but did not assign blame to, 19 officials at the DOE
and the Los Alamos lab who bear responsibility in varying degrees for
failures in management, leadership or follow through regarding the
investigation at the lab.

Richardson called for the Director of the Los Alamos National
Laboratory to take disciplinary actions against a senior lab official,
a former counterintelligence official (now working at the lab in a
different capacity), and the counterintelligence official who failed
to conduct a diligent records search for the FBI.
Following is the text of the press release:

(begin text)

August 12, 1999
Richardson Announces Results of Inquiries Related to Espionage

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson today announced the results of
inquiries into specific aspects of the espionage investigation at the
Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
Richardson had asked the independent Office of the Inspector General
to look at the circumstances surrounding the security clearance,
access and work assignments of the suspect at Los Alamos. A second
inquiry looked at whether Los Alamos counterintelligence officials
properly assisted the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) with
regard to computer search waivers. In a third investigation,
Richardson asked the Inspector General to investigate allegations that
Department officials blocked or prevented briefings to former
Secretary Peņa or the Congress about potential espionage at the labs.

Secretary Richardson said, "I believe the Office of Inspector General
has done a thorough, fair and independent review, and I accept its
conclusions and criticisms about the problems in this Department. This
report makes it clear that Department of Energy (DOE) political and
career management failed to give necessary attention to
counterintelligence and security. That combined with the lack of
accountability, unclear communication with other agencies and
dysfunctional reporting relationships was fertile ground for the
problems that occurred during the investigation. There was a total
breakdown in the system and there's plenty of blame to go around."

"The espionage suspect should have had his job assignment changed to
limit his access to classified information much sooner than it was,
and cooperation with the FBI should have been stronger," Richardson
said. "The Inspector General noted that the reforms we have undertaken
are designed to address the systemic problems that led to these
mistakes. I'm frustrated that the factual record isn't clearer about
who knew what when about the suspect's access, and therefore should
have acted. In some cases, there isn't sufficiently strong enough
evidence in this report to carry out disciplinary actions. There were
three lab employees whose responsibilities were clear, and they failed
to meet their responsibilities, and I'm asking that the lab take
appropriate action to discipline them."

Inspector General Report on Espionage Suspect's Security Clearance,
Access and Work Assignments

The Inspector General looked at the circumstances surrounding the
security clearance, access and work assignments of the suspect. In the
course of the investigation, the Inspector General's office conducted
97 interviews of current and former DOE officials, Laboratory
personnel and FBI officials.

In a classified report, the Inspector General cited:

"systemic problems in the Department's management of
counterintelligence matters"; "a lack of adequate communications at
all levels and confusion as to individual responsibilities and
accountability. For instance, a misunderstanding of terms relating to
'limiting' [the suspect's] access through 'redirection' of his work
assignments [that] may have contributed to delays in action, or
inaction, by senior managers"; "several senior level transitions were
not structured so as to ensure that incoming Departmental and Los
Alamos officials were fully conversant with ongoing
counterintelligence matters, including details of the history and
status of [the suspect's] clearance, access, and work assignments";
"senior managers and other key personnel, apparently relying on their
advisors or others did not obtain sufficient confirmation that
directed actions had, in fact, been appropriately executed";
"indicators of long-term management deficiencies. The Department's
management structure, during the time, was such that many participants
contended that they had no direct responsibility for and, therefore,
should not be held accountable for decisions and actions relating to
this matter"; "senior officials did not ensure that the positions
taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with regard to the
suspect's clearance, access and work assignments, were clear and fully
understood"; "Certain senior officials with direct management
responsibility for LANL were not aware of, nor did they seek,
essential information on [the suspect] in this matter and,
specifically, on the status of [the suspect's] clearance and continued
access within the X Division"; "senior officials with intelligence or
counterintelligence responsibilities, who were also aware of the FBI's
initial request to leave [the suspect] in his position, may not have
adequately reassessed the status of [the suspect's] access following
Director Freeh's comments and the change in the FBI's position and,
consequently, failed to respond in an appropriate and timely manner";
and "Senior managers and other key personnel, apparently relying on
their advisors or others, did not obtain sufficient confirmation that
directed actions had, in fact, been appropriately executed";

The Inspector General noted that the Department has implemented a
number of internal reforms, saying, "while concerns raised during this
inquiry are significant, the Department has taken steps designed to
address many of these issues. For example, the responsibility for
departmental security matters has recently been centralized with the
naming of a retired senior military officer as the Department's
'security czar.' Further the Department now has a separate office of
counterintelligence with direct responsibility for counterintelligence
matters throughout the complex. The director of this office, a
recognized specialist in counterintelligence, reports directly to the
Secretary on such matters."

The Inspector General reported that witnesses had "varying degrees of
recollection" and they provided conflicting versions about the
circumstances surrounding decisions related to the suspect's
clearance, access and work assignments. The Inspector General was
"unable to reconcile many of these conflicts."

Without assigning blame to any specific individuals, the Inspector
General identified 19 officials at the Department of Energy and LANL
who "had a degree of responsibility regarding Department intelligence
and counterintelligence matters, or programmatic security; a degree of
understanding with respect to the status of the FBI's request to keep
[the suspect] in his position; and, a certain level of knowledge
regarding [the suspect's] clearance, access, or work assignments."

Based on the report, Secretary Richardson concluded that, while a
significant number of the 19 properly carried out their
responsibilities based on the information available to them, others
bear responsibility in varying degrees for failures in management,
leadership or follow through. In some cases, the evidence is not
sufficiently strong to carry out disciplinary action. However,
Richardson will ask the director of Los Alamos to take disciplinary
action against individuals at the Laboratory whose responsibilities in
the matter were clear and, who by action or inaction, failed to meet
those responsibilities.

Specifically, Richardson has asked the Director of Los Alamos to hold
a senior lab official accountable for failing to follow through on an
express request by senior DOE management to develop a plan for
limiting the suspect's access, for failing to inform Department's
management that the plan had failed, and for failing to take
alternative actions to limit the suspect's access.

Also, in October 1997, the FBI Albuquerque field office related to a
LANL official that there was no investigative reason to keep the
suspect in classified access and that DOE should feel free to move the
suspect to prevent any future losses. When confronted with this
substantial change in the FBI's position, the counterintelligence
official decided to leave the suspect in place without consulting
senior management about the FBI's change in position or about his
decision not to recommend that the suspect be removed from all
classified information. As a result, the suspect held a security
clearance and had access to classified information until late 1998.

The individual at the laboratory responsible for these failures is no
longer in the same position, but Secretary Richardson has asked the
Director of Los Alamos to reevaluate the Lab's relationship with this

Computer Waiver
The second inquiry into support of the FBI investigation determined
that a counterintelligence official at Los Alamos performed poorly in
his obligation to assist the FBI. Specifically, the individual did not
carry out an adequate search of lab records to find the suspect had
executed a written computer privacy waiver in April 1995. As a result,
it was not until May 1999 that the FBI became aware that Los Alamos
had maintained on file a paper waiver signed by the suspect. Failure
to conduct a diligent search deprived the FBI of relevant and
potentially vital information. Secretary Richardson has asked Los
Alamos management to take appropriate personnel actions against this
employee for this serious dereliction of duty.

Inspector General's Investigation into Allegations that Department
Officials Blocked Briefings
The Inspector General's two month investigation examined allegations
that Department officials blocked or prevented briefings to former
Secretary Peņa or the Congress about potential espionage at the labs.
In the course of its investigation, the Inspector General's office
conducted 82 interviews. They found that witnesses possessed varying
degrees of recollection and there were conflicting versions about the
reporting of LANL espionage allegations to the Secretary and the
Congress. Despite a number of primary and follow-up interviews
designed to clarify key matters, they were not able to reconcile the
conflicting information. As a consequence, the Inspector General could
not establish with any certainty that any Departmental official,
knowingly or intentionally, improperly delayed, prohibited or
interfered with briefings to Mr. Peņa or to the congressional
intelligence committees.

(end text)