
Department of Defense


NUMBER 5200.33

December 7, 1994

Administrative Reissuance Incorporating Change 1, August
25, 1998


SUBJECT:  Defense Courier Service (DCS) 

References:  (a)  DoD Directive 5200.33, subject as
above, September 30, 1987 (hereby canceled)

(b)  DoD 5200.33-R, "Defense Courier Service Regulation,"
current edition, authorized by this Directive 

(c)  DoD 5025. l-M. "DoD Directives System Procedures,"
August 1994, authored by DoD Directive 5025.1, June
24, 1994 

(d)  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
3260.01, "Joint Policy Governing Positive Control Material
and Devices," July 31, 1995 

(e)  through (i), see enclosure E1.


This Directive reissues reference (a) to update policy
and responsibilities for the DCS; establishes the DCS
as a direct reporting unit under the Commander Air Mobility
Command (CDR AMC); and authorizes the publication of
reference (b), in accordance with reference (c).


This Directive applies to: 

2.1.  The Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military
Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the Combatant Commands, the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Uniformed Services University
of the Health Sciences, the Defense Agencies, and the
DoD Field Activities (hereafter referred to collectively
as "the DoD Components").

2.2.  Other activities of the U.S. Government, U.S.
Government contractors, foreign governments, and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) seeking to
use the services of the DCS.


It is DoD policy that:

3.1.  The DCS shall establish, staff, operate, and maintain
an international network of couriers and courier stations
for the expeditious, cost-effective, and secure transmission
of qualified classified documents and material.   In
all instances, the security of documents or material
shall be the primary objective.   The DoD Components
and contractors shall, to the maximum extent possible,
use the services of the DCS for transmission of qualified
classified documents or material requiring escort by

3.2.  DCS users shall ensure that only qualified classified
material is entered into the DCS system.   Qualified
and prohibited material are delineated in enclosure

3.3.  Outside the United States, qualified material
shall be transported by the DCS only to or from those
locations where the DCS has an established operational
presence in support of U.S. Armed Forces and it has
a reasonable assurance that DCS material will not be
subject to search and seizure by foreign customs or
other foreign officials.   (The DCS transfers materials
to the Department of State (DoS) for final delivery
in foreign countries when that is not the case.)   Requests
to expand DCS service to other areas outside the United
States must be approved by the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence

3.4.  DCS support during contingencies or hostilities
shall be provided in accordance with requirements of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and  the Combatant

3.5.  The DCS system shall provide “two person control”
only for that nuclear command and control materiel delineated
in  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
3260.1 and  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
3231.01 (references (d) and (e)).

3.6.  The Commander, DCS, shall be an officer (O-6 position)
with selection made by the  CDR AMC.   The normal tour
of duty for that position shall be 3 years.


4.1.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command,
Control, Communication, and Intelligence shall: 

4.1.1.  Provide security policy and procedural guidance
for the DCS operation through issuance of DoD Instructions,
Regulations and other guidance, as required, and oversee
implementation of such policies and procedures.

4.1.2.  Authorize exceptions to this Directive.   That
authority may be delegated to the Deputy Assistant Secretary
of Defense (Intelligence and Security), and a single

4.2.  The Heads of the DoD Components shall:

4.2.1.  Coordinate their courier requirements and priorities
with the DCS, including requirements of their contractors
and Foreign Military Sales (FMS), consistent with DoD
7000.14-R (reference (f)).

4.2.2.   Program and budget for requirements and reimburse
the DCS for all services provided, including special
delivery services. 

4.2.3.  Provide support in emergency situations to DCS
couriers necessary to safeguard DCS shipments, in accordance
with DoD Instruction 4000.19 (reference (g)).

4.2.4.  Assess the responsiveness of the DCS to their
operational needs and advise the CDR, AMC of any problem

4.3.  The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:

4.3.1.  Ensure that qualified personnel are assigned
to carry out the DCS mission.

4.3.2.  In coordination with the DCS, and in accordance
with reference (g)), provide, support, and maintain
courier stations at locations determined to be consistent
with mission requirements.

4.4.  The  Commander, Air Mobility Command,  shall:

4.4.1.  Exercise combatant command authority over the

4.4.2.  Coordinate DCS operations, as appropriate, with
other Commands and Agencies.

4.4.3.  Keep the ASD(C3I) informed, through the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, of significant matters
about DCS activities.

4.4.4.  Provide advice and recommendations on matters
in the areas of responsibilities assigned to the DCS.

4.4.5.  Establish program and budget requirements for
normal operations and support costs of the DCS as part
of the AMC Transportation Working Capital Fund (TWCF).

4.4.6.  Provide for movement of qualified DCS material
during war, contingencies, and other emergencies in
accordance with priorities established with supported

4.5.  The Commanders of  the Combatant Commands  shall:

4.5.1.  Coordinate with host-nation officials to develop
and implement procedures for the protection of DCS material
from search and seizure by their customs or other agency

4.5.2.  During wartime or contingency situations, identify
priorities for material destined to his or her command
based on mission and operational requirements and ensure
that the DCS is accorded appropriate airlift priority
to meet these requirements.

4.6.  The Heads of Non-DoD U.S. Government Departments
and Agencies that use the DCS shall:

4.6.1.  Coordinate their courier requirements and priorities,
including requirements of their sponsored contractors
and the FMS, consistent with DoD 7000.14-R (reference

4.6.2.  Provide support, in their respective fields
of responsibility, to the Commander, DCS, as required
to carry out the assigned mission of the DCS.

4.6.3.  Assess the responsiveness of the DCS to their
operational needs and advise the ASD(C3I) of any problem

4.6.4.  Budget for, and reimburse the DCS for, the services
it provides, in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 1535 (reference
(h)) unless otherwise provided by statute.


This Directive is effective immediately.   DoD 5200.33-R
(reference (b)) constitutes implementation of this Directive.

Enclosures - 2 

1.  References, continued

2.  Qualified and Prohibited Material


REFERENCES, continued

(e)  Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
3231.01, “ Safeguarding the Single Integrated Operational
Plan,” November 30, 19932

(f)  DoD 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulation (Security Assistance Policy and
Procedures),” Volume 15, March 1993, authorized by DoD
Instruction 7000.14, November 15, 1992

(g)  DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice, and Intragovernmental
Support," August 9, 1995  

(h)  Section 1535 of title 31, United States Code

(i)  Section 812 of title 21, United States Code

 2 Available from the JCS Documents Division, Room 2B917,
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20318-0400




The following categories of material qualify for DCS

E2.1.1.  DoD Material 

E2.1.1.1.  Top Secret information.

E2.1.1.2.  Classified cryptographic and communication
security material.

E2.1.1.3.  Classified cryptologic material.

E2.1.1.4.  Cryptographic keying material designated
and marked “CRYPTO” by the National Security Agency.

E2.1.1.5.  Sensitive Compartmented Information.

E2.1.1.6.  Air and spaceborne imagery material classified
SECRET or higher.

E2.1.1.7.  Controlled cryptographic items for shipment
outside the 48 contiguous States when no other means
of secure transportation is available.

E2.1.1.8.  FMS material, if otherwise qualified.

E2.1.1.9.  Any U.S. classified material that cannot
be transmitted in U.S. custody by any other means.

E2.1.1.10.  Single Integrated Operational Plan material
and SECRET or more highly classified operational and/or
targeting support material.

E2.1.1.11.  End of Cruise Data Packages.

E2.1.2.  Other Qualified Material  

E2.1.2.1.  DoS-accompanied diplomatic courier pouches.

E2.1.2.2.  Material in paragraphs E2.1.1.1. through
E2.1.1.9. of this enclosure, above, of other U.S. Government

E2.1.2.3.  Material in paragraphs E2.1.1.1. through
E2.1.1.8., above, of NATO.

E2.1.2.4.  Material in paragraphs E2.1.1.1. through
E2.1.1.7., above, of foreign governments when used for
combined operations.

E2.1.2.5.  Material in paragraphs E2.1.1.1. through
E2.1.1.9., above, of Federal Government contractors
when specifically provided for in their contracts.


The following material is not authorized entry into
the DCS system, regardless of classification or other
qualifying criteria:

E2.2.1.  Contraband, including controlled substances
(particularly narcotics and dangerous drugs), as defined
in Section 812 of 21 U.S.C. (reference (i)).

E2.2.2.  Explosives, ammunition, firearms, and their

E2.2.3.  Radioactive material, etiological, or other
material hazardous to personnel.

E2.2.4.  Flammables.

E2.2.5.  Liquids.

E2.2.6.  Batteries (prohibited from air shipments by
the Federal Aviation Administration or international
regulations), except as coordinated with the Commander,
DCS, in advance.

E2.2.7.  Currency, military payment certificates, bonds,
securities, precious metals, jewels, postage stamps,
or other negotiable instruments.