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SORT: 5100.20
DOCI: DODD 5100.20
DATE: 19711223
TITL: DODD 5100.20 The National Security Agency and the Central Security Service
December 23, 1971, ASD(I), thru Ch 4, June 24, 1991
Refs: (a) National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. 6
This directive prescribes authorities, functions, and responsibilities of
the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Security Service (CSS).
A. Subject to the provisions of NSCID No. 6, and the National Security Act
of 1947, as amended, and pursuant to the authorities vested in the
Secretary of Defense, the National Security Agency is a separately
organized agency within the Department of Defense under the direction,
supervision, funding, maintenance and operation of the Secretary of
B. The National Security Agency is a unified organization structured to
provide for the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission of the United States
and to insure secure communications systems for all departments and
agencies of the U.S. Government.
C. The Central Security Service will conduct collection, processing and
other SIGINT operations as assigned.
A. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is a category of intelligence information
comprising all Communications Intelligence (COMINT), Electronics
Intelligence (ELINT), and Telemetry Intelligence (TELINT).
B. COMINT is technical and intelligence information derived from foreign
communications by other than the intended recipients. COMINT is produced
by the collection and processing of foreign communications passed by
electromagnetic means, with specific exceptions stated below, and by the
processing of foreign encrypted communications, however transmitted.
Collection comprises search, intercept, and direction finding. Processing
comprises range estimation, transmitter/operator identification, signal
analysis, traffic analysis, cryptanalysts, decryption, study of plain
text, the fusion of these processes, and the reporting of results. COMINT
shall not include:
1. Intercept and processing of unencrypted written communications, except
the processing of written plain text versions of communications which have
been encrypted or are intended for subsequent encryption.
2. Intercept and processing of press, propaganda and other public
broadcasts, except for processing encrypted or "hidden meaning" passages
in such broadcasts.
3. Oral and wire interceptions conducted under DoD Directive 5200.24.
4. Censorship.
C. ELINT is technical and intelligence information derived from foreign,
non-communications, electromagnetic radiations emanating from other than
atomic detonation or radioactive sources. ELINT is produced by the
collection (observation and recording), and the processing for subsequent
intelligence purposes of that information.
D. TELENT is technical and intelligence information derived from the
intercept, processing, and analysis of foreign telemetry.
E. SIGINT operational control is the authoritative direction of SIGINT
activities, including tasking and allocation of effort, and the
authoritative prescription of those uniform techniques and standards by
which SIGINT information is collected, processed and reported.
F. SIGINT resources comprise units/activities and organizational elements
engaged in the conduct of SIGINT (COMINT, ELINT or TELINT) activities.
The provisions of this directive apply to the Office of the Secretary of
Defense, the military department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the unified
and specified commands, the National Security Agency, the Central Security
Service, and other Defense agencies hereinafter called Department of
Defense components.
A. The SIGINT resources of the Department of Defense will be structured to
accomplish most efficiently and effectively the SIGINT mission of the
B. The National Security Agency shall consist of a Director, a
Headquarters, and such subordinate units, elements, facilities, and
activities as are assigned to the National Security Agency by the
Secretary of Defense in his role as the executive agent of the Government
for the conduct of SIGINT.
C. The Central Security Service is comprised of a Chief, Central Security
Service, a Deputy Chief, a jointly staffed headquarters, Army, Navy/Marine
Corps and Air Force operating elements, and such other subordinate
elements and facilities as may be assigned to the Central Security Service
by the Secretary of Defense.
D. The Director, National Security Agency, shall also be the Chief,
Central Security Service.
E. The Director of the National Security Agency/ Chief, Central Security
Service shall have a Deputy Director for the National Security Agency and
a Deputy Chief, Central Security Service. To provide continuity in SIGINT
matters the Deputy Director, National Security Agency, shall be a
technically experienced civilian. The Deputy Chief, Central Security
Service, shall be a commissioned officer of the military Services, of not
less than two star rank, designated by the Secretary of Defense. The
Deputy Chief will normally not be selected from the same military Service
as the Chief.
F. The Director and Deputy Director of the National Security Agency shall
be designated by the Secretary of Defense, subject to the approval of the
President. The Director shall be a commissioned officer of the military
Services, on active or reactivated status, and shall enjoy not less than
three star rank during the period of his incumbency.
G. The Director, National Security Agency/ Chief, Central Security Service
shall report to the Secretary of Defense.
H. The Commanders of the Service cryptologic organizations and their
subordinate activities which conduct SIGINT operations will be subordinate
to the Chief, Central Security Service, for all matters involving SIGINT
activities. In this role they will be designated as Service element
commanders and subordinate activities of the Central Security Service.
Unless otherwise specifically provided in this directive, the Service
cryptologic organizations will remain in their parent Services, for the
purpose of administrative and logistic support.
I. The Secretary of Defense with the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
may specifically designate other SIGINT-related resources of the
Department of Defense which will be subordinate to the Chief, Central
Security Service for SIGINT operations.
A. Subject to the direction, authority and control of the Secretary of
Defense, the Director, National Security Agency/ Chief, Central Security
Service shall:
1. Accomplish the SIGINT mission of the National Security Agency/Central
Security Service.
2. Act as principal SIGINT advisor to the Secretary of Defense, the
Director of Central Intelligence, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As
principal SIGINT advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Director,
National Security Agency will keep the Joint Chiefs of Staff fully
informed on SIGINT matters.
3. Exercise SIGINT operational control over SIGINT activities of the U.S.
Government to respond most effectively to military and other SIGINT
requirements. In the case of mobile military SIGINT platforms, he shall
state movement requirements through appropriate channels to the military
commanders, who shall retain responsibility for operational command of the
4. Provide technical guidance to all SIGINT or SIGINT-related operations
of the U.S. Government.
5. Formulate programs, plans, policies, procedures and principles.
6. Produce and disseminate SIGINT in accordance with the objectives,
requirements and priorities established by the Director of Central
Intelligence. (This function will not include the production and
dissemination of finished intelligence which are the responsibilities of
departments and agencies other than the National Security Agency/Central
Security Service.)
7. Manage assigned SIGINT resources, personnel and programs.
8. In relation to the Department of Defense SIGINT activities, prepare and
submit to the Secretary of Defense a consolidated program and budget, and
requirements for military and civilian manpower, logistic and
communications support, and research, development, test and evaluation,
together with his recommendations pertaining thereto.
9. Conduct research, development and systems design to meet the needs of
the National Security Agency / Central Security Service and coordinate
with the departments and agencies their related research, development,
test and evaluation in the SIGINT field.
10. Determine and submit to the Secretary of Defense logistic support
requirements for the National Security Agency, and the Central Security
Service, together with specific recommendations as to what each of the
responsible departments and agencies of the Government should supply.
11. Develop requisite security rules, regulations and standards governing
operating practices in accordance with the policies of the U.S.
Intelligence Board and the U.S. Communications Security Board.
12. Prescribe within his field of authorized operations requisite security
regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission,
handling, and distribution of SIGINT material within and among the
elements under his control; and exercise the necessary monitoring and
supervisory control to ensure compliance with the regulations.
13. Make reports and furnish information to the U.S. Intelligence Board or
the U.S. Communications Security Board, as required.
14. Respond to the SIGINT requirements of all DoD components and other
departments and agencies.
15. Eliminate unwarranted duplication of SIGINT efforts.
16. Standardize SIGINT equipment and facilities wherever practicable.
17. Provide for production and procurement of SIGINT equipments.
18. Provide the Director of Central Intelligence through the Secretary of
Defense with such information as required on the past, current and
proposed plans, programs, and costs of the SIGINT activities under his
19. Provide guidance to the military departments to effect and insure
sound and adequate military and civilian SIGINT career development and
training programs, and conduct, or otherwise provide for, necessary
specialized and advanced SIGINT training.
20. Provide technical advice and support to enhance SIGINT arrangements
with foreign governments, and conduct, as authorized, SIGINT exchanges with
foreign governments.
21. Perform such other functions as the Secretary of Defense assigns.
A. Subject to the authority, direction and control of the Secretary of
Defense, the Director, National Security Agency / Chief, Central Security
Service, is specifically delegated authority to:
1. Exercise SIGINT operational control over SIGINT activities of the
United States.
2. Issue direct to any of his operating elements such instructions and
orders necessary to carry out his responsibilities and functions.
3. Have direct access to, and direct communications with, any element of
the U.S. Government performing SIGINT functions.
4. The authority in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above is subject to review,
approval and control in accordance with procedures determined by the
Secretary of Defense.
5. Adjust as required, through the Service cryptologic organizations,
personnel resources under his SIGINT operational control.
6. Centralize or consolidate SIGINT operations for which he is responsible
to the extent desirable, consistent with efficiency, economy,
effectiveness, and support to field commanders.
7. Submit, as appropriate, concurrent/letter of evaluation
efficiency/fitness reports on the commanders of subordinate elements of
the Central Security Service in accordance with parent Service procedures.
8. Delegate SIGINT operational tasking of specified SIGINT resources and
facilities for such periods and or such operational tasks as required or
as directed by the Secretary of Defense.
9. Prescribe SIGINT procedures for activities to whom he provides
technical guidance.
10. Prescribe, or review and approve security rules, regulations and
instructions, as appropriate.
11. Conduct those SIGINT operations undertaken in support of certain
missions within the purview of NSCID No. 5.
12. Obtain such information and intelligence material from the departments
and agencies (military departments, other Department of Defense agencies,
or other departments or agencies of the Government) as may be necessary
for the performance of the National Security Agency / Central Security
Service functions.
13. Maintain a departmental property account for the National Security
Agency and the Central Security Service headquarters.
B. Other authorities, specifically delegated by the Secretary of Defense
or by other proper authority to the Director, National Security Agency /
Chief, Central Security Service in other directives or issuances, will be
referenced in an Inclosure to this directive.
A. In the performance of its responsibilities and functions, the National
Security Agency/Central Security Service shall:
1. Coordinate actions, as appropriate, with other DoD components, and
other departments and agencies of the Government.
2. Maintain direct liaison, as appropriate, for the exchange of
information and advice in the field of its assigned responsibility with
other DoD components and other departments and agencies of the Government.
3. Coordinate with other DoD components and other departments and agencies
of the Government to make maximum use of established facilities to
preclude unnecessarily duplicating such facilities.
4. Provide for direct liaison by representatives of the intelligence
components of individual departments and agencies regarding interpretation
and amplification of requirements and priorities within the framework of
objectives, requirements, and priorities established by the Director of
Central Intelligence.
B. Other DoD components shall provide support, within their respective
fields of responsibility, to the Director, National Security Agency/Chief,
Central Security Service as may be necessary to carry out his assigned
responsibilities and functions.
A. To the extent applicable and consistent with the functions assigned to
the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, Department of
Defense policies, regulations and procedures will govern.
B. The National Security Agency/Central Security Service will be
authorized such personnel, facilities, funds and other administrative
support as the Secretary of Defense deems necessary for the performance of
its functions. Other DoD components shall provide support for the
Agency/Service as prescribed in specific directives or support agreements.
To the extent they are inconsistent herewith, DoD Directive S-5100.20,
"The National Security Agency", dated March 19, 1959, DoD Directive S-
3115.4, "Communications Intelligence", dated March 19, 1959, and DoD
Directive S-3115.2, "Electronics Intelligence", dated February 7, 1967 are
hereby cancelled.
A. This directive is effective upon publication.
B. To meet the provisions of this directive, the Director, National
Security Agency will develop a plan to implement this directive including
establishment of the Central Security Service for approval by the
Secretary of Defense with the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
C. When the Central Security Service is established under the terms of
this directive and the approved implementing plan, all Department of
Defense components will review their existing directives, instructions,
and regulations for conformity and submit necessary amendments thereto to
the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) within ninety (90) days.
Secretary of Defense
Enclosure 1 Listing of Specific Delegations of Authority
Listing of Specific Delegations of Authority by the Secretary of Defense
to the Director of the National Security Agency
1. Administrative authorities required for the administration and
operation of the National Security Agency, as prescribed in DoD Directive
5100.23, dated May 17, 1967.
2. Authority to authorize or request the procurement of cryptologic
material and equipment by the military departments, as prescribed in DoD
Directive 5160.13, dated March 20, 1956.
3. Authority to establish and administer programs of training, as
prescribed in DoD Directive 1430.4, dated August 5, 1969.
4. Authority to assign the classification of TOP SECRET, as prescribed in
DoD Directive 5200.1, "DoD Information Security Program Regulation,"
authorized by DoD Directive 5200.1, June 1, 1972.
5. Authority to determine the eligibility of individual civilian officers
and employees to transport or store their privately owned motor vehicles
at Government expense, in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive
1418.3, dated June 28, 1965.