United States Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca SO TL1ABI
Student Handout JAN 96


1. Training Objective:

a. Understand the Mission Analysis Process and its relation to the Command Estimate Process.

b. Recognize Specified/Implied/Mission Essential Tasks.

c. Develop a Bde restated mission.

d. Understand how Mission Analysis relates to IPB.

2. The Command Estimate Process (See figure on next page).

a. Definition. A continuous process that allows the combat commander to make decisions based on information provided by his staff, and missions received from higher headquarters.

3. Mission Analysis - The first step of Command Estimate/Tactical Decision Making Process.

a. Definition. The process of identifying all the required tasks for a specific mission, and producing your own mission statement.

b. The steps of Mission Analysis.

(1) Gather the Facts.

(a) Determine Mission and Intent of Commanders TWO levels up.
(b) Review area of operations/graphics to understand the commander's intent.
(c) Identify assets available for the mission (troop list should include all attached units).
(d) Sister service combat support (Air, Naval Gunfire, Marine assets).
(e) Initial time analysis (1/3 - 2/3 Rule).

(2) Make Assumptions.

(a) Assumptions replace necessary but missing or unknown information. All assumptions must take the VALIDITY/NECESSITY test.

(1) Validity - Whether or not an assumption is likely to occur.

(2) Necessity - Whether planning can continue without making the assumption.

(b) Analysis of Force Ratio - Provides conclusions about friendly capabilities pertaining to the operation being planned. The outcome will indicate what type operations may be possible from enemy and friendly points of view.

(3) Analyze Higher Mission.

(a) Purpose of Higher HQ mission (WHY of the Mission).
(b) Intent of the Higher Commander (Two levels up).
(1) What Task?
What specific results?
Where must we achieve these results?
When must we accomplish these results?
Why was our unit given this task?
What limitations on our freedom?
Why is the CDR imposing these limitations?


(1) Specifically assigned to or affecting YOUR unit.
(2) Stated in the HIGHER HQ order or plan.
(3) Primarily stated: Para 2 & 3 of OPORD/OPLAN.
(4) Can also be stated elsewhere: (i.e. Coordinating instructions and Annexes).


(1) Developed/deduced by the commander.
(2) Deduced upon conduct of a reconnaissance of the AO.
(3) Task that MUST be accomplished to satisfy the overall mission.
(4) NOT specifically stated in OPORD or PLAN.
(5) MUST be accomplished to satisfy any SPECIFIED task.
(6) Inherent, routine, or SOP task are NOT included in the list of tasks.


(1) Taken from your Specified and Implied task lists that define the success of the mission.
(2) Absolutely MUST DO to accomplish assigned mission.
(3) Become the source for the restated mission.
(4) Always listed chronologically in restated mission.

(f) Mission Analysis Matrix. A tool used to list all tasks and compare/analyze them to determine if they are specified, implied, and/or mission essential. Assists the staff in the development of the restated mission. (see figure on next page).

(g) Restated Mission.

(1) The end result of Mission Analysis.
(2) "5Ws" = Who/What/When/Where/Why.
(3) Includes ALL Mission Essential tasks ONLY.
(4) Multiple tasks are listed in the sequence they are expected to occur or be executed.
(5) Always in paragraph form.
(6) Commander approves the results of Mission Analysis.

(4) Issue Commander's Guidance.

(1) Provides initial planning guidance to the staff MAY INCLUDE:


(2) MUST INCLUDE: Commander's Intent.

The commander's intent is a broad vision, stated succinctly of how the commander intends to conduct the operation. Must state Purpose, Method and desired Endstate.