Table of




AA avenue of approach

ABCS Army Battle Command System

AB2 Army Brigade and Below

A2C2 Army Airspace Command and Control

AC Active Component

ACE analysis and control element

ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment

ACT analysis and control team

ACUS Area Common User System

AD air defense

ADA air defense artillery

ADDS Army Data Distribution System

adj adjacent

ADP automatic data processing

AES Army Experiment Site

AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AGCCS Army Global Command and Control System

AGM attack guidance matrix

AI area of interest

AIIF Automated Intelligence Installation File

AIRES Preliminary Imagery Nomination

ALL all-source analysis

AM amplitude modulation

AO area of operation

AOC Air Operations Center

APS Advanced Planning System

AR Army regulation

ARFOR Army force

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency

arty artillery

ASAS All-Source Analysis System

ASAS-ASW all-work station

ASAS-RWS remote workstation

ASAS-SSW single-source workstation

ASC AUTODIN switching center

ASCDB all source correlated database

ASDIA All-Source Document Index Summary

ASW all-source workstation

ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System

ATM asynchronous transfer mode

ATO air tasking order

AUTODIN automatic digital network

AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System

AWIS Army World Wide Military Command and Control


BDA battle damage assessment

BFACS Battlefield Functional Area Control System

BICC battlefield information control center

BIT built-in-test

BOS Battlefield Operating System

BSC Battlefield Simulation Center

BSTF base shop test facility

BTU/ hr British thermal unit per hour


C frequency band

C2 command and control

C2W command and control warfare

C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence

C4 command, control, communications, and computers

C4I command, control, communications, computer, and intelligence

CAMPS Compartmented ASAS Message Processing System

CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System

CASIAT National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes Computer Assisted Security Investigative Analysis Tool

CATS Core Analyst Tool System

CCB Configuration Control Board

CCIR commander's critical information requirements

CCS communications control set

CD-ROM compact disc-read-only memory

CECOM US Army Communications-Electronics Command

CFE contractor-furnished equipment

CGS common ground station

CGS Communications Gateway System

CHS common hardware and software

CI counterintelligence

CIA Central Intelligence Agency

CINC Commander in Chief

CIS Combat Intelligence System

CIS-DM CIS data management

CLS contractor logistics support

CMISE Corps MI Support Element

CNR combat net radio

CA course of action

COMCAT Character Oriented Message Catalog

COMINT communications intelligence

COMSEC communications security

CONUS continental United States

COT computer operator terminal

CPU central processing unit

CPS Communications Processing Subsystem

CS combat support

CSP communications support processor

CSS combat service support

CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System

CSSCS-EAC CSSCS Echelon Above Corps

CTAPS Contingency Theater Automated Planning System

CTT commanders tactical terminal

CPX command post exercise

CVIC Carrier Intelligence Center



DCS Defense Communications System

DCT Digital Communications Terminal

DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive

DDN Defense Data Network

DEA Drug Enforcement Agency

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency

DIAM Defense Intelligence Agency Manual

DIEQP Defense Intelligence Equipment Index

DIN Defense Intelligence Network

DIOBS Defense Intelligence Order of Battle System

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency

DISCOM division support command

DISE Deployable Intelligence Support Element

DISN Defense Information Systems Network

DITDS Defense Intelligence Threat Data System

DIVARTY division artillery

DMS Defense Message System

DOCC deep operations coordination cell

DOD Department of Defense

DODIIS Department of Defense Intelligence Information System

DODM Department of Defense Manual

DOS Disk Operating System

DPS data processor set


DS direct support

DSN Defense Switching Network

DSNET Defense Secure Network

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System

DSVT Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal

DVM Digital Voice Module


EA engagement area

EAC echelons above corps

EACIC Echelons Above Corps Intelligence Center

EASI Expert Analysis System for Intelligence

ECB echelons corps and below

ECU environmental control unit

EDC external database coordination

ELINT electronic intelligence

EMI electromagnetic interference

EMP electromagnetic pulse

EOB electronic order of battle

EPDS Electronic Processing and Dissemination System

EPL electronic parameter listing

EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System

ETUT enhanced tactical users terminal

EVAL Evaluation File

EW electronic warfare

EWO electronic warfare officer


FAADC3I Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence

FAIO field artillery intelligence officer

FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service

FAISA FORSCOM Automated Intelligence Support Activity

FAISS Forces Command Automated Intelligence Support System

FAST Forward Area SIDS and TRE

FAX facsimile

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

FDMP/ DDCMP Full Duplex Message Protocol/ Digital Data Communications Message Protocol

FI functional identity

FIFO first in, first out

FLTSATCOM fleet satellite communications

FMR functional manager

FOMA Foreign-Military Assistance

FORSCOM US Army Forces Command

FOV field of view

FSCOORD fire support coordinator

FSSS field software services support

Ft Fort

FTP file transfer protocol

FTX field training exercise

FM frequency modulation

FMR functional manager

FSE fire support element

FSO fire support officer


G2 Assistant Chief of Staff, G2

G3 Assistant Chief of Staff, G3

GB gigabyte

GBCS ground-based common sensor

GCCS Global Command and Control System

GCS ground control station

GCS ground control system

GENSER general services

GFE government-furnished equipment


GS general support

GSM ground station module

GSR ground surveillance radar



HDD hard disk drive

HF high frequency

HHOC Headquarters, Headquarters and Operations Company

HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

HPT high-payoff target

HUMINT human intelligence

HVT high-value target


IAS Intelligence Analysis System

I&W indications and warnings

ICM intelligence collection management

ICOM integrated COMSEC module

ICR Intelligence Collection Requirement File

IDB integrated database

IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System

IDSF Intelligence Defector Source File

IEW intelligence and electronic warfare

IEWSE IEW Support Element

IGSM Interim Ground Station Module

IHFR Improved High Frequency Radio

IMETS Integrated Meteorological System

IMINT imagery intelligence

IMOM improved-many-on-many

INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite

INTSUM intelligence summary

I/O input/output


IP internet protocol

IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield

IPDS Imagery Processing and Dissemination System

IPF integrated processing facility

IPF Intelligence Processing Facility

IR information requirements

IRISA Intelligence Information Index Summary

IROF Imagery Reconnaissance Objective File

IROFJUS Imagery Reconnaissance Objective File Justification

ISE intelligence support element

ISM intelligence synchronization matrix


J2 Intelligence Directorate

JCMT Joint Collection Management Tools

JMST Joint Management Support Tools

JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System

JIC Joint Intelligence Center

JMCIS Joint Maritime Command Information System

Joint STARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

JSOC Joint Special Operations Command

JTF joint task force

JTT joint tactical terminal

JTT/H3 joint tactical terminal hybrid

JTT/H-R3 joint tactical terminal hybrid-receive-only

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System


kbps kilobytes per second

KISS Korea Intelligence Support System

KL Klieglight

Ku frequency band

kW kilowatt


LAN local area network

LCSS Life Cycle Software Support

LEN large extension nodes

LGSM Light Ground Station Module

LIFO last in, first out

LOS line of sight

LRS long-range surveillance

LRU line replaceable unit


m meter

MAGTF Marine Air-Ground Task Force

Mb megabyte

mbps megabytes per second

MCDS Mission Critical Defense Systems

MCS Mneuver Cotrol System

MDCI multidiscipline counterintelligence

METL Mission-essential task list

METT-T mission, enemy, troops, terrain and weather, and time available

MGSM Medium Ground Station Module

MI military intelligence

MIIDS Military Intelligence Integrated Data System

MIES Mobile Imagery Exploitation System

MILNET Military Network

min minutes

MITT Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal

MOA memorandum of agreement

MOS military occupational specialty

MP military police

MPC mission planning cell

MPN mission packet switch network

MRA message release authority

MSE mobile subscriber equipment

msg message

MTI moving target indicator


NAI named area of interest

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NC node center

NCS net control station

NCA national command authority

NCO noncommissioned officer

NET new equipment training

NETT New Equipment Training Team

NIPS Naval Intelligence Processing System

NITES Naval Intelligence Threat Evaluation System

NPIC National Photographic Interpretation Center

NRP net radio protocol

NRT near-real time

NSA National Security Agency

NTCS-A Navy Tactical Command System-Afloat


OB order of battle

ODD optical disk drive

OOTW operations other than war

OPCON operational control

OPLAN operations plan

OPORD operation order

OPR operational diagnostics


PC personal computer

PI product improvement

PIR priority intelligence requirements

PLA plain language address

PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services

PSN packet switch node

PSYOP psychological operations



QSTAG Quadripartite Standardization Agreement



RAM random access memory

RC Reserve Components

RDEC Research, Development, and Engineering Center

RDS remote display screen

RECCEXREP reconnaissance exploitation report

RELROK Releasable ROK

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing

ROK Republic of Korea

ROKUS Republic of Korea/United States

RRSA Regional Software Support Activity

R&S reconnaissance and surveillance

RSOC Regional SIGINT Operations Facility

RWS remote workstation

RVT remote video terminal


S2 Intelligence Officer (US Army)

S3 Operations and Training Officer (US Army)

SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, and enemy

SAT security audit trail

SCAMPI leased line communications link

SCCB Software Configuration Control Board

SCI sensitive compartmented information

SCIF sensitive compartmented information center

SE southeast

sec seconds

SED Software Engineering Directorate

SEE supplementary equipment, electronic

SEN small extension nodes

SF Special Forces

SHF super high frequency

SIGINT signals intelligence

SIMS SOUTHCOM Information Management System

SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System

SIPRNET SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network

SIR specific information requirements

SIT situation analysis

SITMAP situation map

SMR source maintenance recoverability

SOCOM US Special Operations Command

SOCRATES SOCOM Command Research and Threat Evaluaton System

SOF special operations forces

SOIC Operations Intelligence Command

SOIS Special Operations Intelligence System

SOP standing operating procedures

SOR specific orders and requests

SOUTHCOM US Southern Command

SPECAT special category

SPIRIT Special Purpose Intelligence Remote Integrated Terminal

SPR software problem report

SPV system supervisor

SRF SIGINT readiness facility

SRU shop replaceable unit

SSES Ship Signal Exploitation Space

SSP-S single source processor-SIGINT

SSO special security office

SSW single-source workstation

STACCS Standard Theater Army Command and Control System

STU Secure Telephone Unit

SUCCESS Synthesized UHF Computer Controlled Equipment Subsystem

SUM software users manual

SUPPLOT Supplementary Plot

SW southwest


TACELINT tactical electronic intelligence

TACO tactical communications

TACSAT Tactical Satellite

TACSIM tactical simulation

TADIXS-B Tactical Data Information Exchange System-Broadcast

TAI target area of interest

TB technical bulletin

TBP to be published

TC training circular

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TCS Theater Communications System

TDMA time division multiple access

TDN TROJAN Data Network

TEARS Telecommunications Equipment Retrieval System

TECHINT technical intelligence

TEMPEST compromising emanations

TENCAP Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities

TEXTA database

TFS Tactical Fusion Systems

TGT target analysis

THMT Tactical High Mobility Terminal

TIBS Tactical Information Broadcast System

TIDAT Target Intelligence Data

TIGER Tactical Intelligence Gathering and Exploitation Relay

TM targeting module

TNL target nomination list

TOC tactical operations center

TOCSE TOC support element

TO&E table of organization and equipment

TOPS tactical operations

TPS test program set


TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

TRAP Tactical Related Applications

TRE Tactical Receive Equipment

TRITAC Tri-Service Tactical Communications

TRIXS Tactical Reconnaissance Exchange System Relay

TSM TRADOC system manager

TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures


UAV unmanned aerial vehicle

UDITDS Defense Intelligence Threat Data System

UHF ultra high frequency

US United States (of America)

USAF United States Air Force

USAIC&FH United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Hucahuca

USAREUR United States Army, Europe

USMTF United States Message Text Format

USSID United States Signal Intelligence Directive


V2DA Version 2 Data Adapter

VAX Virtual Address Extension

VDD version description document

VHF very high frequency

VTC video teleconference


WAN wide area network

WO warrant officer


X frequency band

XDDCMP external digital data communications message protocol