Table of




A as acquired

AAR after-action review

A2C2S Army Aviation Command and Control System

ABCCC Airborne Command and Control Center

ABCS Army Battle Command Systems

abn airborne

AC attack control

A/C Aircraft

AC2MP Army Command and Control Master Plan

ACC Air Component Commander

ACE Analysis and Control Element

ACO air control order

ACR armored cavalry regiment

ACT analysis and control team

AD air defense

ADA air defense artillery

ADP automatic data processing

ADT air data terminal

AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFB Air Force Base

AGM attack guidance matrix

AGOS Air Ground Operations School

AI area of interest

AIO Airborne Intelligence Officer

AIS Aerial Intelligence Specialist (96H) (Mohawk crew)

AIT airborne intelligence technician

ammo ammunition

ampn amplification

AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System

AOC Air Operations Command

AOI air operations instructions

AOR area of responsibility

AP attack planning


AR Army Regulation

ARL airborne reconnaissance low

ARCENT US Army Central Command

ART airborne radar technician

arty artillery

ASAS All-Source Analysis System

ASI additional skill identifier

ASL Authorized Stockage List

ASO airborne surveillance officer

ASOC Air Support Operations Center

AST airborne surveillance technician

ASTO airborne search and track operator

ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System

ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System

ATI-CDR Artillery Target Intelligence-Coordinate Report

ATI-TCRIT Artillery Target Intelligence-Target Criteria Message

ATKHB attack helicopter battalion

ATO air tasking order

ATSS airborne target surveillance supervisor

avn aviation

AVTOC Aviation Tactical Operations Center

AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System


az azimuth


B2C2 Brigade and Below Command and Control System

BCE battlefield coordination element

BDA battle damage assessment

BDAR battle damage assessment and repair

bde brigade

bkr breaker

bio biological

BIT built-in-test

BITE built-in test equipment

bn battalion

BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course

BSC battle staff course

btry battery


C2 command and control

C2I command and control intelligence

C3 command, control, and communications

C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence

C4I command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence

CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System (Air Force)

CAS close air support

cav cavalry

CCUE cross-cuing

CECOM Communications-Electronic Command

CENTCOM US Army Central Command

C&GSC Command and General Staff College

CGS Common Ground Station

chem chemical

CIS communications interface shelter

ckt circuit

cmd command

CNR combat net radio

COB command observation post

COLT combat observation and lasing team

COMSEC communications security

CONUS continental United States

COP command observation post

CP command post

crypto cryptographic

C-SIGINT counter-signals intelligence

CSL contractor stockage list

CSO communications system operator

CSOT Constant Source Operators Terminal

CST communications system technician

CT communications technician

CTAC Corps Tactical Command Post

CTOC Corps Tactical Operations Center

JTT commander's tactical terminal

JTT-H commander's tactical terminal-hybrid


D destroy

DA Department of the Army

DAA direct attack aircraft

DDC digital-to-digital converter

DF direction finding

DISE Deployable Intelligence Support Element

DIVARTY division artillery

DMCC Deputy Mission Crew Commander

DP Data Processing

DPS Data Processing System

DS direct support

DSIATP Defense Sensor Imagery Application Training Program

DTAC Division Tactical Command Post

DTM data transfer module

DTOC Division Tactical Operations Center


EAC echelons above corps

EC electronic countermeasures

ECB echelons corps and below

EM electromagnetic

EMP electromagnetic pulse

ETS embedded training simulation

EW electronic warfare

EWD Electronic Warfare Director


FAX facsimile

FDC fire direction center

FLIR forward-looking infrared

FLOT foward line of own troops

FLTSAT COMSYS Fleet Satellite Communications System

FM frequency modulation

FM-CFF fire mission-call for fire

freq frequency

FSC fire support coordinator

FSCL fire support coordination line

FSCT Fire Support Control Terminal

FSD full scale development

FSE fire support element

FSR field service representative

FTI fixed-target indicator

FSO fire support officer


G2 General Staff Officer at Division/Corps (Intelligence)

G3 General Staff Officer at Division/Corps (Operations)

GBCS ground based common sensor

GCC Ground Component Commander

GCI ground control intercept

GCS ground control station

GD government demonstration

GDT ground data terminal

GFE government-furnished equipment

GLO Ground Liaison Officer

GPF ground processing facility

GPL general purpose link

GPS Global Positioning System

GRCA ground reference coverage area


GS general support

GSM ground station module


HF high frequency

HGSM Heavy Ground Station Module

HHC headquarters, headquarters company

HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle

HN host nation

HOL Higher Order Language

HPT high-payoff target

HQ headquarters

HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army

HR hybrid-receive only

HUMINT human intelligence

HVT high-value target

Hz hertz

HWY highway


I immediate

ID identification

IDL interoperable data link

IDM improved data modem

IEW intelligence and electronic warfare

IFSAS Initial Fire Support Automated System

IFTE Intermediate Forward Test Equipment

IGSM Interim Ground Station Module

IGSO imagery ground station operator

IHFR Improved High Frequency Radio

IMINT imagery intelligence

inf infantry

info information

INS Inertial Navigation System

integ integrate

intel intelligence

INTSUM intelligence summary

I/O input/output

IOC initial operational capability

IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield

IQT initial qualification training

I&W indications and warnings


J2 Joint Intelligence Directorate

JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff

JFACC Joint Forces Air Component Commander

JFC Joint Force Commander

JFLCC Joint Force Land Component Commander

JIC Joint Intelligence Center

Joint STARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

JSIU Joint STARS interface unit

JSORD Joint STARS Operational Requirements Document

JSS Joint STARS squadron

JTF Joint Task Force

JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Dissemination System

JTT joint tactical terminal

JTTF Joint Test Task Force


km kilometer

km/h kilometers per hour

kW kilowatt


LAN local area network

LCC Land Component Commander

LCSS Lightweight Camouflage Screen System

LCU lightweight computer unit

LGSM Light Ground Station Module

LL land line

LNO liaison officer

LOC line of communications

LOS line-of-sight

LRSU long range surveillance unit

LRU line replaceable unit

LSA logistic support analysis

LSD large screen display

LTG lieutenant general


MACOM major Army command

MARCENT Marine Central Command

MATM multiple assets tasking message

MATT multi-mission advanced tactical terminal

MCC Mission Crew Commander

MCOO modified combined obstacle overlay

MCS Maneuver Control System

MEF Marine Expeditionary Force

MEL military education level

METL mission essential task list

MGSM Medium Ground Station Module

MI Military intelligence

MLRS Multiple-Launch Rocket System

MMCT mobile maintenance contact team

MOB main operating base

MOGAS motor gasoline

MOPP mission-oriented protection posture

MOS military occupational specialty

MQT military qualification training

mph miles per hour

MSD medium screen display

MSE mobile subscriber equipment

MSNDAT mission data

MSNLOC mission location

MSR main supply route

MTF Message Text Format

MTI moving target indicator

mvr maneuver


N neutralize

NA not applicable

NAI named area of interest

narr narrative

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical

NCO noncommissioned officer

NCOES Noncommissioned Officer Education System

NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge

NCS net controlling station

NEO noncombatant evacuation operation

NLOS non-line-of-sight

NOE nap-of-the-earth

NRT near-real-time

NTC National Training Center


OB order of battle

OCONUS outside continental United States

OFD operation field demonstrations

OOTW operations other than war

OPCON operational control

OPLAN operations plan

OPORD operations order

ops operations

OPSEC operations security

ORLA optimum repair level analysis

OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense

O&C operations and control

O&O organization and operation


P planned

PID Programmable Interface Device

PIR priority intelligence requirements

PL phaseline

PLL prescribed load list

PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services

PME Primary Mission Equipment

POC point of contact

POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants

pwr power


recon reconnaissance

regt regiment

RI request for information

RMO radar management officer

RRCA radar reference coverage area

RRI response to request for information

R&S reconnaissance and surveillance

RSR radar service request

RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition

RT remote terminal

RTO radio telephone operator

RWS remote work station


S suppress

S2 US Army Intelligence Officer

S3 US Army Operations and Training Officer

SA surveillance area

SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, equipment

SAM surface-to-air missile

SAR synthetic aperture radar

SAT systems approach to training

SATC small area target classification

SATCOM satellite communications

SCDL Surveillance and Control Data Link

SCIF sensitive compartmented information facility

SCUD missile system (enemy)

SD senior director

SDO self-defense officer

SDS self-defense suite

SE southeast

SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses

sec section

SERE survival, evasion, resistance, and escape

SIDS Secondary Imagery Dissemination System

SIGINT signals intelligence

SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground Airborne Radio System

SIR specific information and requirements

SITREP situation report

SMO sensor management officer

SOF Special Operations Forces

SOI signals operations instructions

SOP standing operating procedure

SOR specific order and request

SOTAS Stand-off Target Acquisition System

SS sector search

SSM suface-to-surface missile

SSP System Support Package

ST sensor technician

STANAG Standardization Agreement


STU-III secure phone

surveil surveillance

SYS-PTM system-plain text message

SW southwest


TA Theater Army

TACAIR Tactical Air

TAC tactical

TACC Theater Air Control Center

TACCOMM tactical communications

TACFIRE Tactical Fire Direction System

TAI target area of interest

TBM theater ballistic missile

TCO tactical communications officer

TCP tactical command post

TCU Tactical Computer Unit

TDA target damage assessment

TDDS Tactical Data Dissemination System

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

TENCAP tactical exploitation of national capabilities

TIBS Tactical Information Broadcast Service

TOC Tactical Operations Center

TOF time of flight

TOPS Tactical Onboard Processing System

TRADIXS-B Tactical Data Information Exchange System-Broadcast

TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command

TRAP Tactical Related Applications

TRE Tactical Receive Equipment

TREE Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics

TRIXS Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence Exchange System

TROJAN SPIRIT Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal

TSO Target Surveillance Officer

TSS target surveillance supervisor

TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures


UAV unmanned aerial vehicle

UHF ultra-high frequency

UI unidentified

USA United States Army

USAF United States Air Force

USAFE United States Air Force Europe

USAIC&FH United States Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca

USAR United States Army Reserve

USMC United States Marine Corps

USMTF United States Message Text Format

USN United States Navy

UTM universal transverse mercator


VCR video cassette recorder

VFMED Variable Format Message Entry Device

VHF very high frequency

vic vicinity


WAS wide area surveillance

WD weapons director

WOC Wing Operation Command

wpn weapon

WS Work Station