FY98 Program Element Descriptive Summaries / RDDS

0604741A Air Defense Command, Control, Intelligence - Engineering Development

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
Total Program Element (PE) Cost 21810 20031 18350 6698 7635 8536 22163 19204 Continuing Continuing
D126 FAAD Command and Control Engineering Development 18966 20031 18350 6698 7635 8536 22163 19204 Continuing Continuing
D146 Air Defense Tactical Operations Center 2844 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Continuing Continuing

Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: The Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control and Intelligence (FAAD C2I) System provides critical forward area air defense automated information to support the command and control decision process at various levels of command. The mission is to collect, digitally process and disseminate target information, air threat warning, and command and control information to all FAAD weapons [AVENGER, Bradley STINGER Fighting Vehicle (BSFV), Manportable Air Defense System (MANPADS), and combined arms]. Unique FAAD C2I software will provide the mission capability by integrating FAAD C2 engagement operations software using Common Hardware/Software (CHS), Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS), Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS), Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), Single Channel Ground and Air Radio System (SINCGARS), Light and Special Division Interim Sensor (LSDIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), Ground Based Sensor (GBS), and the Army Battle Command System (ABCS) architecture. The projects in this Program Element support research efforts in the engineering and manufacturing development phases of the acquisition strategy and therefore are correctly placed in Budget Activity 5.
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D126 FAAD Command and Control Engineering Development 18966 20031 18350 6698 7635 8536 22163 19204 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Justification: Project D126 - FAAD Command and Control Eng Dev: The Forward Air Defense Command and Control (FAAD C2) System is an automated system deployed with FAAD weapons to provide accurate and timely command, control and targeting information for the weapon systems. The system utilizes non-developmental item sensors, computers, displays and interface hardware integrated with data communication equipment. It automates mission related functions and uses the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS) for voice and the Army Data Distribution System (ADDS) for data.

Acquisition Strategy: The acquisition strategy relies heavily on non-developmental items (NDI) and evolutionary software development to rapidly overcome our current air defense command, control and intelligence deficiencies and to keep pace with the advancing technologies. The concept of evolutionary software development is being followed and will be accomplished in Blocks - I, II, III and IV. Blocks I and II have been completed. Block III is currently being developed.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
18100 Continued Block III Software Development
400 Prepared for Block III Users Test
466 Prepared for Technology Insertion
Total 18966

FY 1997 Planned Program:
1877 Conduct Block III Users Test (UT)
17447 Continue Block III Software Development
300 Prepare for Block III Development Test (DT)
407 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Programs
Total 20031

FY 1998 Planned Program:
2499 Digitization integration
15751 Continue Block III development
100 Block III System Certification Test
Total 18350

FY 1999 Planned Program:
100 System Certification Test
1201 Complete Block III SW development
3247 Digitization integration
2150 Begin Block IV development
Total 6698
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 F 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY1997 President's Budget 19281 20516 14944 2042
Appropriated Value 19474 20031
Adjustments to Appropriated Value -508
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 18966 20031 18350 6698

Change Summary Explanation: Funding: FY98 (+3406) 2499 for digitization; 907 for Blk III SW development/FY99 (+4656) 3247 for digitization; 1409 to initiate Blk IV

SW development
C. Other Program Funding Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 To




RDTE, DE10 - SENTINEL GBS 500 6094 9589 9289 25472
OPA 2, WK5053 - SENTINEL GBS 61882 68783 41014 40071 34283 51545 16688 34206 CONT CONT
OPA 2, AD5050 - FAAD C2 42880 36715 13080 8262 0 0 0 8261 0 135157
OPA 2, AD5070 - AD TAC OPNS CTR 14779 14844 CONT CONT
Spares (BA9702/MA9702/BS9702) - FAAD C2 1600 1259 1555 885 0 0 0 0 9617
Spares (BS973BS97322) - SENTINAL GBS 2324 3610 5258 5382 0 0 0 0 0 16920
D. Schedule Profile FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
First Unit Equipped Block II X*
System Certification Test X
System Certification Test X
System Certification Test X
First Unit Equipped - Objective System X

*Denotes completed milestone
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Major Contracts 15405 15301 14821 4949
Support Contract 500 1000 1000 200
PMO/In-house/Other 2542 2414 2229 1249
GFE/Testing 519 909 300 300
Total 18966 20031 18350 6698

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information

Performing Organizations
Contractor or Government Performing


Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle Award or Obligation Date Performing Activity EAC Project Office



Prior to

FY 1996

FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Budget to Complete Total Program
Product Development Organizations
TRW C/CPIF Sep 86 176461 176461 176461 176461
TRW SS/CPIF Aug 92 32206 32206 32206 32206
TRW SS/CPIF Sep 94 53194 53194 7700 14200 13311 12821 4949 CONT 52981
TRW SS/T&M Sep 93 4900 4900 1000 1205 1888 2000 CONT 6093
Matrix (RDEC) MIPR 2163 1188 1072 1130 554 CONT 6107
SBIR/STTR 407 407
Support and Management Organizations
SETA, CAS SS/CPFF Feb 91 10879 10879 10879 10879
In-House/ Other 6108 1854 2343 2099 895 CONT 13299
Test and Evaluation Organizations
ADATD, Ft Bliss 8687 319 810 100 100 CONT 10016
OPTEC 2000 2000

Government Furnished Property


Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle Award or Obligation Date Delivery



Prior to FY 1996

FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Budget to Complete Total Program
Product Development Property
CHS MIPR 400 200 200 200 200 CONT 1200
JTIDS MIPR 1988 6000 0 6000
Support and Management Property: None
Test and Evaluation Property: None
Subtotal Product Development 225930 16793 16878 16151 5703 281455
Subtotal Support and Management 16987 1854 2343 2099 895 24178
Subtotal Test and Evaluation 10687 319 810 100 100 12016
Total Project 253604 18966 20031 18350 6698 317649
COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
D146 Air Defense Tactical Operations Center 2844 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Justification: Project D146 - Air Defense Tactical Operations Center: Air Defense Artillery (ADA) requires a standardized, integrated, automated command post (CP) and fire direction center (FDC) capability that will fully interoperate with all US Army and Joint C3I and Air Defense systems, and selected systems of allied nations. These capabilities will be incorporated in an Air Defense Tactical Operations Center (ADTOC). The ADTOC must incorporate air defense and theater missile defense force operations and engagement operations functions into a single command, control, communications and intelligence system. Project D146 finances the direct costs of developing an ADTOC that will be used to provide a single system command, control, communications, and intelligence system that will support the requirements of any air defense weapon system at any echelon of Corps and below.

Acquisition Strategy: The acquisition strategy relies heavily on NDI and existing modules of Army/Joint/DoD software which will be integrated to provide a modular, reconfigurable, standard digital ADTOC for all air defense units, battery to brigade. Brigade ADTOCs will be automated first with expansion to all weapon systems.

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
2844 Development and integration studies
Total 2844

FY 1997 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 1997

FY 1998 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 1998

FY 1999 Planned Program: Project not funded in FY 1999
B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
FY 1997 President's Budget 968
Appropriated Value 978
Adjustments to Appropriated Value +1866
FY 1998 Pres Bud Request 2844

Change Summary Explanation: Funding: FY 1996 (+1866) for unfunded ADTOC development.
A. Project Cost Breakdown FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999
Contracts 2221
In-house/Other 623
Total 2844

B. Budget Acquisition History and Planning Information

Performing Organizations
Contractor or Government Performing Activity Contract Method/Type or Funding Vehicle Award or Obligation Date Performing Activity EAC Project Office


Total Prior to FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Budget to Complete Total Program
Product Development Organizations
Misc. Contrs PWD 2221 2221
Matrix Support MIPR 410 410
Support and Management Organizations
In-house/Other 213 213
Test and Evaluation Organizations: None

Government Furnished Property: None
Subtotal Product Development 2631 2631
Subtotal Support and Management 213 213
Subtotal Test and Evaluation
Total Project 2844 2844